Jury : Claude Lenners, Albena Petrovic, Konstantin Ilievsky, Adriana Mitu
Les Lauréats 2010
Section "Senior"

1. Mina Chanou - France
Mina Chanou commence ses études musicales en Grèce, à l'âge de 4 ans.Titulaire d'une bourse, elle reçoit l'enseignement de L.Boyajieva et L. Stoyanova.En 1988 elle remporte le concours national de piano (X.O.N.-Athènes), et en 1993 obtient son diplôme de piano et d'harmonie avec les félicitations et donne son 1er récital.
Egalement compositrice, elle gagne trois prix au concours national de composition Athènes 2004 et depuis reçoit plusieurs commandes.Après son baccalauréat, elle continue ses études à Paris où elle obtient le 1er prix de la ville à l'unanimité en piano, ainsi que son prix de musique de chambre.En 1999 elle passe son prix supérieur au C.N.R. de Rueil et parallèlement rentre dans la classe de composition de la directrice du conservatoire F. Aubin. Le C.N.R. de Rueil a présenté l'oeuvre de M. Chanou pour chorale et orchestre au théâtre de Malreaux, en 2000.La même année, elle sort son premier disque en sonate avec l'altiste F. Martigné, qui contient des pièces classiques ainsi que des compositions à elle.Elle participe à des nombreuses master classes de musique classique et jazz.Passionnée de l'écriture musicale, elle compose pour diverses formations, pièces de théâtre, ainsi que des recueils pédagogiques, et se produit en solo, en duo et quatuor en France et à l'étranger.C'est la pianiste officielle du quatuor "Madreselva" (musique tango).
Elle est professeur de piano et de musique de chambre au conservatoire de Colombes.
En 2010 elle gagne le prix d'excellence du concours international de composition "artistes en herbe", au Luxembourg.

2. Borislava Taneva - Bulgarie
Borislava Taneva is daughter of Alexander Tanev, famous bulgarian composer. She graduated from the State Academy of Music in 1989 majoring in Piano and Composition under Professor Parashkev Hadjiev. Since 1989 she has taught the piano at the State Academy of Music. As a pianist, she won eight prestigious international and national prizes. As a scholarship student of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs she specialised in contemporary piano music in Milan, where she gave a number of concerts featuring works by Bulgarian composers.She composed mainly children’s songs and music for children, but also chamber works, film and theatre music. In 1998 she took part in the Second International Forum of Women Composers in Athens, Greece and works of hers were included in the CD with works by the participants published on the occasion of the event. Since 1995 she has been actively involved with the children’s vocal ensemble Bon-bon.
In 2010 she is winner of the prize "Artistes en herbe" Luxembourg and the invitation to become a jury member of next Competition in 2013.

3. Christophe Pola - Germany

4. Michel Wiener - Germany
Michael Wiener, born in 1975 in Trier, Germany, combines his interest in contemporary music, especially composition, with his academic background in international law. From 2002 until 2006, he was a member of the composition class of Alexander Müllenbach at the Conservatory of Luxembourg, where he received a composition certificate “supérieur avec la qualification très bien”. He was also awarded prizes at the composition competitions “Carl von Ossietzky” in Oldenburg and “Engelbert Humperdinck” in Siegburg, Germany. His choir piece “Maior autem ex his est caritas” has been chosen as a winner in the composition contest for the Fourth Festival of Universal Sacred Music in April 2010 in New York City.
In addition, he completed his doctoral thesis in 2006 with “summa cum laude” at the law faculty of the University of Trier, focusing on international human rights law and freedom of religion or belief in particular. He passed the German bar exam in 2003 and also holds a Master of Laws degree in Computer and Communications Law from the University of London in the United Kingdom. In his 2001 LL.M. thesis, he analyzed legal notions and copyright issues in the works of Viktor Ullmann (1898-1944), thus exploring further the links between music and law.
Section "Junior"
Prix "jeune compositeur" (15-19 ans)
- Marine Bonnetain (FR)
- Susana Piscevic (Lux)
- Wojciech Kostrzewa - Polland
Prix "jeune espoir" (11-14ans)
- Sam Hertz
Prix "en herbe" et "prix de Musek Piwa" (6 -10 ans)
- Sophia Bolanaki - Grece - Luxembourg
- Olga Roster- Luxembourg
- Janina Garboutcheva - Luxembourg
- Teodora Ivanova - Bulgarie
finalistes: Anna-Lena Michel,( Lux) Sophia Bochedi( Italie), Sam Koulaev (Canada)
(attribuée uniquement aux oeuvres pour instruments a clavier)
- Nima Azamgin
- Pitt Rasque
- Zala Kravos
- Margréeitchen Losch
Prix "spécial" de Mme la Présidente